Thursday, February 14, 2013


In honor of Lady A's first Valentine's Day, I thought I would write her a letter about l-o-v-e, to look back on one day. Oh and of course there will be a few photos. 

Dearest Daughter of Mine, 

I remember the very first time I heard your heart beat. Wow, what a moment that was. Time stopped. I didn't want that doctor's appointment to end. And then there was the next appointment where I got to SEE your heart beat. My eyes fixated on an ultrasound screen as I held my breath waiting. Be still my heart! I would then eagerly look forward to my next appointment for another chance to hear that precious heartbeat. I looked forward to every single appointment. I hope that for the 40 weeks you were in my belly and listened to the sound of my heart beating, that you found much comfort...just as I found comfort in hearing yours. 
From the moment I knew of your existence I couldn’t imagine life without you. I knew what an honor and a gift it would be your mother. And so, it has been my heart’s desire to guard your heart, to protect it and to cherish it all the days of my life. But because I can’t be with you every moment of every day I have to rely on my faith and hope that the lessons your father and I teach you will prepare you for life — a life that we pray is always filled with love.
I hope you:
  • Love God
    Your Dad and I hope to instill in you a strong faith in Jesus. And not just a "I-go-to-church-and-call-myself-a-Christian" but to be a true follower of Christ. Jesus is love and his word talks about love so perfectly in 1 Corinthians 13. Never forget what he says in his word and read it often.
  • Love People
    Things are nice to have. Pretty, shiny things, perhaps even nicer. And some things are necessary. But things do not make life worth living. People do. Material possessions can be replaced; people cannot. Take away the people you love, and suddenly things no longer matter. All the more reason to put them first. Love them while they are here. Unfortunately there will always be people who will disappoint you, but please don't let that harden your heart. Never focus on those who try and hurt you but remember you have wonderful friends and family who love you so much and only want the best for you. Let the haters hate :) And always remember to always look for the best in people.
  • Follow Your Heart
    I believe that our heart knows what is right, and what is best. Sometimes when we want something (or someone) that isn’t for us, we try to justify or rationalize it, but the heart knows.
  • Love Yourself
    You see that face staring back at you when you look in the mirror? She is a chosen, daughter of the King. YOU are beautifully and fearfully and wonderfully made. While people will often first notice you for your looks, your looks are only a part of who you are — and beauty is fleeting. What your Milly always told me is,  "It is what's on the inside that counts." Your heart, your character, and the kindness you show have the ability to outshine bright eyes or pouty lips. Your intelligence and the things that you have to share and say will come to mean more than how much your outfit costs. Realize that one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself is love. If you know your worth you will be mindful of how you allow others to treat you.
  • Be the Best You Can at Loving
    When you grow up, you will realize that I wasn’t as perfect as you believed. (I know, shocking!) You will realize I wasn’t the best at keeping up on laundry (and that my best cleaning happened right after I learned we were having company). You will also realize there are better chefs than I. You will learn that I am very anal about some things, but not about others. But I hope you will see that I was really great at one thing: loving you. It’s one of the things people will remember most about you: the way you treated them, the way you valued them and the way you loved them.
  • Don't Fear Failure
    As parents we always hope that our children will learn from our mistakes, but sometimes you have to make your own to truly “get it.” Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Some things will work out, and others won’t, but if you believe in your heart of hearts that something is worth it, have the courage to leap. Mistakes are inevitable, but the great thing about them is they have the ability to become life lessons.
  • There is Life (and Love) After a Broken HeartWhen I was a teenager I pictured myself marrying every guy I ever dated (Thank goodness that didn't happen). Of course, when things ended, I thought it was the end of the world. I sobbed. I cried. I thought I would never meet anyone else. But eventually the tears will stop. You will see that life goes on — and most often love follows. While the idea of your heart breaking makes my eyes well up with tears, I hope you know that my arms will always be here to hold you. My arms will always be a safe place for you.
  • Be Careful Who You Give Your Heart To
    Not every person is worthy of your heart. Not everyone will handle it with care. This is all the more reason for you to be cautious when it comes to giving your heart away. Give it to someone who will cherish it, who will treat it with respect. Someone who knows the gift they are being given. And when they give you theirs, handle it with care too.
  • Marry Your Biggest Cheerleader and Lean on Him
    It is hard to think that someone could be an even bigger cheerleader than your daddy and me, but it is possible. The person you decide to spend your life with should think you rock. Because, well, you do. They should believe in your dreams. They should believe in you. And with that said, lean on him. 
    As I told you before, my arms will always be here, ready to offer you a safe place. But one day another set of arms will provide you with comfort. And as much as I will want to hold on to you, I know that I will have to let go. When you get married, allow your husband to comfort you. Let his shoulder be the one you lean on. Give him a chance to become really great at loving you. If he is anything like the man your father is, he will put his heart and soul into loving you the best way he knows how. Allow him to become your person.
  • Forgive...REALLY forgive
    No good comes from keeping a tally of people's flaws - especially your husbands!. If you make the decision to forgive, then do so and move forward. No one wants to be constantly reminded of their mistakes. Besides, by moving forward you can get back to the really important stuff, like loving.
  • Always Be YOU
    If you ask your daddy for dating advice one day, he will most likely tell you to be you. And he is right. When someone falls for you, you want them to fall for the person you are, not the person you thought they wanted you to be. Besides, who wants to go through life as someone other than his or her true self? The right person will have the ability to love an imperfect you...perfectly.
Love always, 

Here is what happened on your first Valentine's Day:
Anxiously awaiting your gift!
You LOVE tissue paper
You are looking at Daddy
(who is trying to get you to smile)


You were actually way more interested
in Ellie the Elephant
You are just too much sometimes <3 

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