Thursday, May 2, 2013

Eight Months

After an amazing month 7, I can't wait to see what is in store for month 8! I think we are off to a good start because her first tooth has surfaced!! After four excruciating months of teething, I wasn't sure if it was going to happen!

Lady A is still sleeping great and totally full of life! She sits up, smiles so big, laughs a lot and talks non stop. She is saying "Ma-Ma" when she needs something or is sad and she babbles "Dada-Dada-Dada" all day long! Dada was basically her first word.

She lights up when you walk in the room and it melts my heart to no end. We are definitely in trouble with this one. I mean, look at those eyes!
Yes, you can have anything you want. 

And not to mention...a little ornery!! 

Spring Oh-Thirteen

Here are some photos from Spring 2013. I wish I had time to blog in more detail about all of these photos but it's either "photo dump" or nothing at all. So I chose to just dump them on here.


What a little muffin                                                   Her first Easter 

HUGE eyes

Photo-bomb by MC

Extremely proud grandparents 

Getting their Easter baskets from Pops and Milly

Raising kiddos with this girl is the best

She got a recordable storybook from Milly

Swim Lessons:
 With cousin Miles Crew

Blowing Bubbles

She is so chill in the water

My little fishy 

Hanging at home:
The girl loves this chair!